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BMWED - Amtrak Seniority Rosters
Oct 30, 2024

 Amtrak Seniority Rosters

Following are the current Track, B&B, and Electric Traction seniority rosters for the Amtrak property, including Southern District, Corridor, Off-Corridor, and Bid/Displacement lists.

The BMWED/Amtrak NEC seniority rosters are governed by Rule 16, the Off-Corridor rosters governed by Rule 7, both of which provide for an annual roster publication.

* archived senority Rosters at bottom of page

Seniority Roster Rules

Additionally, agreement rules detail roster protests and appeals, specifying a 60-day protest window that begins January 1st for Off-Corridor, and March 1st for Corridor. All roster protests should be submitted to Amtrak’s designated officer before the expiration of respective protest windows. Currently BMWED/Amtrak roster protests should be mailed to:

National Railroad Passenger Corporation
Ms. Bill Lee Jo Titlow, Manager Engineering Manpower
30th Street Station
Third Floor, North Tower, Box 22
2955 Market Street
Philadelphia PA 19104

A Seniority system is simple way for determining employment advantages based upon length of service. Our BMWED seniority system is instrumental in fairly determining who receives more favorable duty tours, work locations, promotions, and other work opportunities. Seniority also has an influence over bumping rights, which is a re-assignment of jobs, possibly for many people at a time. Our Seniority system has been formulated to avoid unfair 'bumping' in the event of a furlough. Generally, Unions are strongly in favor of using seniority as the only criterion for making distinctions among employees. Most BMWE Agreements address seniority first but also take into consideration employee qualifications.

Also see Rule 10-Seniority, which addresses how BMWED employees earn, retain and accumulate seniority, and Rule 17-Order of Seniority, which stipulates the seniority order of employees who are hired on the same day.

2024 Southern District Track Department Seniority Rosters

2024 Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman (51 pages, 2.4 mb)
2024 Southern District Track Miscellaneous, including EWE and M.O., Truck Driver, Welder, Repairman, etc. (105 pages, 4.5 mb)

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2024 Southern District Structures Department Seniority Rosters


B&B Welding and Plumbing Inspector, Welder, Bricklayer, Carpenter, Ironworker, Mason, Painter, Plumber, Repairman, Signwriter, Structural Welder, Cabinetmaker, Sandblaster, Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic. (60 pages, 2.2 mb)

2024 "Bear" System Rosters

2024 Bear MW Repairman Foreman, Repairman, and Bear Welder


2024 Including Foremen, EWEs and MOs, Truck Drivers, Repairmen, Camp Car Attendants, and other assorted Corridor Production positions who have established seniority in the Track Laying System, Undercutter System, Ditcher Unit, Rail Pick-Up Unit, Ballast Distribution System, MDZ Unit, and SES. (1.2MB, 50 pages)



PART I - Rule 89 including Foreman, Assistant Foreman, and Trackman list (61 pages, 3MB)


PART II - Rule 89 including Repairmen and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, O/A Welders, E/A Welders, the Boutét Welding group, EWEs and MOs (4.9MB, 113 pages)


2024 Mid-Atlantic Division including Foreman, Gang Foreman, Lineman, and Lineman Helper as well as Electrician Substation positions, Electronic Technicians and M/W Electricians.
2024 New York Division including the Catenary & Transmission Foreman and Linemen, the Substation group, 3rd Rail positions, Electronic Techs and Electrolysis group.

Northern District Track Department Seniority Rosters

2024  Northern District Track, Foreman, Assistant Foreman, Trackmen, Engineer work Equipment & Machine Operator, Truck Driver, Thermite Welder, Oxy/ Acetylene welder group, Electric Track welder group, Drawbridge Operator.

Northern District Structures Department Seniority Rosters

2024 B&B Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic and Helper, Carpenter, Painter, Structural Welder.

Northern District Rail Welding and Cropping Plant


 including Foremen, Trackman and MO’s.

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2024 Foreman, Trackman, M.O.,Welder, Repairman and B&B Mechanics


2024 Foreman, Trackman, Machine Operator Class A, B, and C, Welder, B&B Foreman, B&B Mechanic



Foreman, Trackman, EWE and M.O., Welder, Repairman and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, and B&B Mechanics, Mechanic Foreman, Inspectors, and Helpers


2024 Foreman, Trackman, District Truck Driver, Casual Truck Driver, Assistant Repairman MW Equipment/Vehicle Operator, Equipment Repairman, Machine Operator "A", "B", "B+", "C", Welder, B&B Mechanic Foreman and B&B Mechanic



Foreman, Trackman/B&B Mechanic, Machine Operator, Equipment Repairman


2024 Foreman, Trackman, Truck Drivers, Machine Operators, Welders, Equipment Repairman, and B&B Mechanics, Mechanic Foreman

Amtrak Engineering Dept. Workers

Killed on the Job

Arthur J. Moses 11/1/1976 Bridge Operator Struck by Train
T. Pershing 8/24/1978 Lineman Electrocution
Denis Callahan 9/12/1978 Foreman Struck by Train
Peter Wells 9/12/1978 Crane Operator Struck by Train
Brian Moroska 11/24/1979 Repairman Struck by Train
Henry Cooper 11/12/1980 Foreman Struck by Train
Kevin Murphy 12/19/1980 Repairman Struck by Train
R. Easter 5/8/1981 Watchman Struck by Train
Dennis Griffin 1/19/1982 Track Innspector Struck by Train
Billy Strohmaier 9/22/1983 Lineman Electrocution
Scott Fletcher 7/25/1983 Trackman Run Over by Crane
Henry Brooks 9/30/1983 Foreman Struck by Crane
Albert S. Chinchar 9/30/1983 Trackman Struck by Crane
Alfredo Giudice 9/30/1983 Welder Struck by Crane
Leo Colton 8/1987 Lineman Electrocution
Kenneth D. Plouffe 1/4/1989 Trackman Struck by Train
Glenn Loveless 11/15/1993 Foreman Struck by Train
Aaron King 11/27/1996 Trackman Struck by Train
John Fabe 11/4/1997 B&B Mechanic Struck by Train
Neville Thomas 2/4/1998 C&S Trainee Struck by Train
Richie Hutchinson 8/16/2001 Repairman Crushed by Machine
Rob Collins 2/17/2005 Lineman Electrocution
Steven Rychwalski 8/20/2008 Maintainer Struck by Train
Minwella Lane 10/29/2014 C&S Helper Struck by Train
Dawud Bahr 3/1/2016 Trackman Struck by Train
Joseph Carter 4/3/2016 Backhoe Operator Struck by Train
Pete Adamovich 4/3/2016 ARASA Supervisor Struck by Train
Luke Gsell 4/24/2018 Trackman Struck by Train
Juan Diaz 11/13/2019 Trackman Struck by Train

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2023 Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman (51 pages, 2.4 mb)
2023 Southern District Track Miscellaneous, including EWE and M.O., Truck Driver, Welder, Repairman, etc. (105 pages, 4.5 mb)

2023 Southern District Structures Department Seniority Rosters

B&B Welding and Plumbing Inspector, Welder, Bricklayer, Carpenter, Ironworker, Mason, Painter, Plumber, Repairman, Signwriter, Structural Welder, Cabinetmaker, Sandblaster, Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic. (60 pages, 2.2 mb)
2023 Bear MW Repairman Foreman, Repairman, and Bear Welder


Including Foremen, EWEs and MOs, Truck Drivers, Repairmen, Camp Car Attendants, and other assorted Corridor Production positions who have established seniority in the Track Laying System, Undercutter System, Ditcher Unit, Rail Pick-Up Unit, Ballast Distribution System, MDZ Unit, and SES. (1.2MB, 50 pages)
2023 PART I - Rule 89 including Foreman, Assistant Foreman, and Trackman list (61 pages, 3MB)
2023 PART II - Rule 89 including Repairmen and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, O/A Welders, E/A Welders, the Boutét Welding group, EWEs and MOs (4.9MB, 113 pages
2023 ELECTRIC TRACTION- Mid-Atlantic Division including Foreman, Gang Foreman, Lineman, and Lineman Helper as well as Electrician Substation positions, Electronic Technicians and M/W Electricians.
2023 ELECTRIC TRACTION- New York Division including the Catenary & Transmission Foreman and Linemen, the Substation group, 3rd Rail positions, Electronic Techs and Electrolysis group.
2023 Northern District Track, Foreman, Assistant Foreman, Trackmen, Engineer work Equipment & Machine Operator, Truck Driver, Thermite Welder, Oxy/ Acetylene welder group, Electric Track welder group, Drawbridge Operator.

Northern District Structures Department Seniority Rosters

B&B Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic and Helper, Carpenter, Painter, Structural Welder.

Northern District Rail Welding and Cropping Plant

 including Foremen, Trackman and MO’s.
2023 CHICAGO DISTRICT- Foreman, Trackman, M.O.,Welder, Repairman and B&B Mechanics
2023 NEW ORLEANS DISTRICT- Foreman, Trackman, Machine Operator Class A, B, and C, Welder, B&B Foreman, B&B Mechanic
2023 ALBANY/EAST HUDSON DISTRICT- Foreman, Trackman, EWE and M.O., Welder, Repairman and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, and B&B Mechanics, Mechanic Foreman, Inspectors, and Helpers
2023 MICHIGAN DISTRICT- Foreman, Trackman, District Truck Driver, Casual Truck Driver, Assistant Repairman MW Equipment/Vehicle Operator, Equipment Repairman, Machine Operator "A", "B", "B+", "C", Welder, B&B Mechanic Foreman and B&B Mechanic
2023 FLORIDA SUB DIVISION- Foreman, Trackman/B&B Mechanic, Machine Operator, Equipment Repairman
2023 WESTERN DIVISION Foreman, Trackman, Truck Drivers, Machine Operators, Welders, Equipment Repairman, and B&B Mechanics, Mechanic Foreman
2022 Foreman, Trackman, EWE and M.O., Welder, Repairman and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, and B&B Mechanics, Mechanic Foreman, Inspectors, and Helpers
2022 Foreman, Trackman, EWE and M.O., Welder, Repairman and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, and B&B Mechanics, Mechanic Foreman, Inspectors, and Helpers

 including Foremen, Trackman and MO’s.

2022 B&B Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic and Helper, Carpenter, Painter, Structural Welder.
2021 Mid-Atlantic Division including Foreman, Gang Foreman, Lineman, and Lineman Helper as well as Electrician Substation positions, Electronic Technicians and M/W Electricians.
2021 New York Division including the Catenary & Transmission Foreman and Linemen, the Substation group, 3rd Rail positions, Electronic Techs and Electrolysis group.

PART I - Rule 89 including Foreman, Assistant Foreman, and Trackman list (61 pages, 3MB)


PART II - Rule 89 including Repairmen and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, O/A Welders, E/A Welders, the Boutét Welding group, EWEs and MOs (4.9MB, 113 pages)

2022 Including Foremen, EWEs and MOs, Truck Drivers, Repairmen, Camp Car Attendants, and other assorted Corridor Production positions who have established seniority in the Track Laying System, Undercutter System, Ditcher Unit, Rail Pick-Up Unit, Ballast Distribution System, MDZ Unit, and SES. (1.2MB, 50 pages)
2022 Bear MW Repairman Foreman, Repairman, and Bear Welder

B&B Welding and Plumbing Inspector, Welder, Bricklayer, Carpenter, Ironworker, Mason, Painter, Plumber, Repairman, Signwriter, Structural Welder, Cabinetmaker, Sandblaster, Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic. (60 pages, 2.2 mb)

2022 Southern District Track Miscellaneous, including EWE and M.O., Truck Driver, Welder, Repairman, etc. (105 pages, 4.5 mb)
2022 Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman (51 pages, 2.4 mb)
2022 Including Foremen, EWEs and MOs, Truck Drivers, Repairmen, Camp Car Attendants, and other assorted Corridor Production positions who have established seniority in the Track Laying System, Undercutter System, Ditcher Unit, Rail Pick-Up Unit, Ballast Distribution System, MDZ Unit, and SES. (1.2MB, 50 pages)
2022 Bear MW Repairman Foreman, Repairman, and Bear Welder

B&B Welding and Plumbing Inspector, Welder, Bricklayer, Carpenter, Ironworker, Mason, Painter, Plumber, Repairman, Signwriter, Structural Welder, Cabinetmaker, Sandblaster, Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic. (60 pages, 2.2 mb)

2022 Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman (51 pages, 2.4 mb)
2022 Southern District Track Miscellaneous, including EWE and M.O., Truck Driver, Welder, Repairman, etc. (105 pages, 4.5 mb)

2020 Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman (51 pages, 2.4 mb)
2020 Southern District Track Miscellaneous, including EWE and M.O., Truck Driver, Welder, Repairman, etc. (105 pages, 4.5 mb)
2020 UNITS - Including Foremen, EWEs and MOs, Truck Drivers, Repairmen, Camp Car Attendants, and other assorted Corridor Production positions who have established seniority in the Track Laying System, Undercutter System, Ditcher Unit, Rail Pick-Up Unit, Ballast Distribution System, MDZ Unit, and SES. (1.2MB, 50 pages)
2020 ET - Mid-Atlantic Division including Foreman, Gang Foreman, Lineman, and Lineman Helper as well as Electrician Substation positions, Electronic Technicians and M/W Electricians.
2020 ET - New York Division including the Catenary & Transmission Foreman and Linemen, the Substation group, 3rd Rail positions, Electronic Techs and Electrolysis group.
2019 Bear MW Repairman Foreman, Repairman, and Bear Welder

2019 B&B Welding and Plumbing Inspector, Welder, Bricklayer, Carpenter, Ironworker, Mason, Painter, Plumber, Repairman, Signwriter, Structural Welder, Cabinetmaker, Sandblaster, Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic. (60 pages, 2.2 mb)

2019 Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman (51 pages, 2.4 mb)
2019 Southern District Track Miscellaneous, including EWE and M.O., Truck Driver, Welder, Repairman, etc. (105 pages, 4.5 mb)
2019 B&B Welding and Plumbing Inspector, Welder, Bricklayer, Carpenter, Ironworker, Mason, Painter, Plumber, Repairman, Signwriter, Structural Welder, Cabinetmaker, Sandblaster, Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic. (60 pages, 2.2 mb)
2019 Bear MW Repairman Foreman, Repairman, and Bear Welder
2019 CORRIDOR Including Foremen, EWEs and MOs, Truck Drivers, Repairmen, Camp Car Attendants, and other assorted Corridor Production positions who have established seniority in the Track Laying System, Undercutter System, Ditcher Unit, Rail Pick-Up Unit, Ballast Distribution System, MDZ Unit, and SES. (1.2MB, 50 pages)
2019 PART I - Rule 89 including Foreman, Assistant Foreman, and Trackman list (61 pages, 3MB)
2019 PART II - Rule 89 including Repairmen and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, O/A Welders, E/A Welders, the Boutét Welding group, EWEs and MOs (4.9MB, 113 pages)
2019 B&B Welding and Plumbing Inspector, Welder, Bricklayer, Carpenter, Ironworker, Mason, Painter, Plumber, Repairman, Signwriter, Structural Welder, Cabinetmaker, Sandblaster, Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic. (60 pages, 2.2 mb)
2019 ELECTRIC TRACTION Mid-Atlantic Division including Foreman, Gang Foreman, Lineman, and Lineman Helper as well as Electrician Substation positions, Electronic Technicians and M/W Electricians.
2019 ELECTRIC TRACTION New York Division including the Catenary & Transmission Foreman and Linemen, the Substation group, 3rd Rail positions, Electronic Techs and Electrolysis group.
2019 NORTHERN DISTRICT B&B Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic and Helper, Carpenter, Painter, Structural Welder.

2018 Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman (51 pages, 2.6 mb)
2018 Southern District Track Miscellaneous, including EWE and M.O., Truck Driver, Welder, Repairman, etc.
2018 B&B Welding and Plumbing Inspector, Welder, Bricklayer, Carpenter, Ironworker, Mason, Painter, Plumber, Repairman, Signwriter, Structural Welder, Cabinetmaker, Sandblaster, Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic. (60 pages, 2.2 mb)
2018 Bear MW Repairman Foreman, Repairman, and Bear Welder
2018 Including Foremen, EWEs and MOs, Truck Drivers, Repairmen, Camp Car Attendants, and other assorted Corridor Production positions who have established seniority in the Track Laying System, Undercutter System, Ditcher Unit, Rail Pick-Up Unit, Ballast Distribution System, MDZ Unit, and SES. (3.4MB, 53 pages)
2018 PART I - Rule 89 including Foreman, Assistant Foreman, and Trackman list (52 pages, 5.4MB)
2018 PART II - Rule 89 including Repairmen and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, O/A Welders, E/A Welders, the Boutét Welding group, EWEs and MOs (11MB, 83 pages)
2018 Mid-Atlantic Division including Foreman, Gang Foreman, Lineman, and Lineman Helper as well as Electrician Substation positions, Electronic Technicians and M/W Electricians.
2018 New York Division including the Catenary & Transmission Foreman and Linemen, the Substation group, 3rd Rail positions, Electronic Techs and Electrolysis group.

2017 Southern District Track Miscellaneous, including EWE and M.O., Truck Driver, Welder, Repairman, etc.
2017 PART I - Rule 89 including Foreman, Assistant Foreman, and Trackman list (52 pages, 5.4MB)
2017 PART II - Rule 89 including Repairmen and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, O/A Welders, E/A Welders, the Boutét Welding group, EWEs and MOs (11MB, 83 pages)
2017 Production Unit - Including Foremen, EWEs and MOs, Truck Drivers, Repairmen, Camp Car Attendants, and other assorted Corridor Production positions who have established seniority in the Track Laying System, Undercutter System, Ditcher Unit, Rail Pick-Up Unit, Ballast Distribution System, MDZ Unit, and SES. (1.3MB, 56 pages)

I. Bear MW Repairman Foreman and Repairman
II. Bear Welder
2018 Mid-Atlantic Division including Foreman, Gang Foreman, Lineman, and Lineman Helper as well as Electrician Substation positions, Electronic Technicians and M/W Electricians.
2018 New York Division including the Catenary & Transmission Foreman and Linemen, the Substation group, 3rd Rail positions, Electronic Techs and Electrolysis group.
2016 Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman (40 pages, 4.1MB)
2016 B&B Welding and Plumbing Inspector, Welder, Bricklayer, Carpenter, Ironworker, Mason, Painter, Plumber, Repairman, Signwriter, Structural Welder, Cabinetmaker, Sandblaster, Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic. (3.7 mb)
2016 Including Foremen, EWEs and MOs, Truck Drivers, Repairmen, Camp Car Attendants, and other assorted Corridor Production positions who have established seniority in the Track Laying System, Undercutter System, Ditcher Unit, Rail Pick-Up Unit, Ballast Distribution System, MDZ Unit, and SES. (2.7MB, 61 pages)
2016 PART I - Rule 89 including Foreman, Assistant Foreman, and Trackman list (52 pages, 5.4MB)
2016 PART II - Rule 89 including Repairmen and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, O/A Welders, E/A Welders, the Boutét Welding group, EWEs and MOs (11MB, 83 pages)
2016 Bear MW Repairman Foreman and Repairman
2016 Bear Welder
2016 NEC Electric Traction, Mid-Atlantic Division, including Foreman, Gang Foreman, Lineman, and Lineman Helper as well as Electrician Substation positions, Electronic Technicians and M/W Electricians.
2016 NEC Electric Traction, New York Division including the Catenary & Transmission Foreman and Linemen, the Substation group, 3rd Rail positions, Electronic Techs and Electrolysis group.
2015 Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman (40 pages, 4.1MB)
2015 Southern District Track Miscellaneous rosters
2015 PART I - Rule 89 including Foreman, Assistant Foreman, and Trackman list
2015 PART II - Rule 89 including Repairmen and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, O/A Welders, E/A Welders, the Boutét Welding group, EWEs and MOs
2015 Including Foremen, EWEs and MOs, Truck Drivers, Repairmen, Camp Car Attendants, and other assorted Corridor Production positions who have established seniority in the Track Laying System, Undercutter System, Ditcher Unit, Rail Pick-Up Unit, Ballast Distribution System, MDZ Unit, and SES. (2.7MB, 61 pages)
2015 B&B Welding and Plumbing Inspector, Welder, Bricklayer, Carpenter, Ironworker, Mason, Painter, Plumber, Repairman, Signwriter, Structural Welder, Cabinetmaker, Sandblaster, Mechanic Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Inspector, and B&B Mechanic. (3.7 mb)
2015 Including Foremen, EWEs and MOs, Truck Drivers, Repairmen, Camp Car Attendants, and other assorted Corridor Production positions who have established seniority in the Track Laying System, Undercutter System, Ditcher Unit, Rail Pick-Up Unit, Ballast Distribution System, MDZ Unit, and SES. (2.7MB, 61 pages)
2015 Mid-Atlantic Division including Foreman, Gang Foreman, Lineman, and Lineman Helper as well as Electrician Substation positions, Electronic Technicians and M/W Electricians.
2015 New York Division including the Catenary & Transmission Foreman and Linemen, the Substation group, 3rd Rail positions, Electronic Techs and Electrolysis group.
2014 Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman 
2014 Southern District Truck Driver
2014 Southern District Engineer Work Equipment and Machine Operator
2014 Southern District Structures Miscellaneous rosters
2014 Bear System Repairman roster
2014 Bear System Welder roster
2014 PART I - Rule 89 including Foreman, Assistant Foreman, and Trackman list
2014 PART II - Rule 89 including Repairmen and Repairman Foreman, Truck Drivers, O/A Welders, E/A Welders, the Boutét Welding group, EWEs and MOs (82 pages, 6.8MB)
2013 Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman rosters
2013 Southern District Track Miscellaneous rosters
2013 Southern District Structures Miscellaneous rosters
2013 Mid-Atlantic Division including Foreman, Gang Foreman, Lineman, and Lineman Helper as well as Electrician Substation positions, Electronic Technicians and M/W Electricians.
2013 New York Division including the Catenary & Transmission Foreman and Linemen, the Substation group, 3rd Rail positions, Electronic Techs and Electrolysis group.
2012 Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman rosters
2012 Southern District Track Miscellaneous rosters
2012 B&B Structures Miscellaneous rosters
2012 NEC Unit rosters

Southern District Foreman, Asst. Foreman, and Trackman rosters (4.7MB)


Southern District Track Miscellaneous rosters (7.8MB)


B&B Structures Miscellaneous rosters (4.5MB)


NEC Unit rosters (4.2MB)

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 "An Injury To One Is An Injury To All"

It’s no coincidence that Snitch rhymes with Bitch. On the Railroad a snitch or rat will provide information to the boss in order to jamb a co-worker or try to save themselves from punishment. Snitches soon learn that they are alone, that real railroaders will have nothing to do with them, outcast and ostracized. We all know that a listening ear is also a running mouth and that snitches are no better than Scabs. There's no room on the tracks for Rats, Snitches, Informants and Scabs.

More Information:
Seniority Rosters
BMWED Safety Liaisons - Amtrak
United Passenger Rail Federation BMWED-IBT
190 South Broad Street
Trenton, NJ 08608

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