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The Latest Round in Amtrak Contract Negotiations

The BMWED has teamed up with the BRS, once again creating the Passenger Rail Labor Bargaining Coalition (PRLBC).  In past negotiations, our C&S brothers and sisters have shown how coalition bargaining has proven to be an effective means to an end.  The partnership between these two engineering department powerhouses brings a united strength that truly benefits our collective body.  Together, our organizations are dedicated to negotiating a contract that provides the protections and securities for our membership and serves us through this next round.

Following is the relevant correspondence for this round on Amtrak bargaining.

November 15, 2022 -  Bargaining Session - Held at Amtrak's Corporate HQ, Our negotiations addressed more of Amtrak's PTO (Paid Time Off) proposal, and our discussions regarding time Carry Overs and the differences between new hire PTO and current employees. The parties also discussed the expansion of Corridor and Off-Corridor rules governing Bereavement Leave.

October 21, 2022 - Bargaining Session - Conveined at the Teamster International Headquarters in Washington, DC. Amtrak provided the PRLBC with their amended proposal for PTO (Paid Time Off), an accrual system designed to replace our current vacation accruals. Amtrak's proposal will end vacation "earned" in one calender year and taken or cashed in the following year. Employees will accrue PTO up to accrual levels during periods of active employment. PTO accrued may be used during the same calendar year or carried over consistent with accrual limits.

September 14, 2022 - Bargaining Session - PRLBC final proposal for settlement.

August 17, 2022 - Bargaining Session - Healthcare was the theme of this session.

July 11, 2022 - Bargaining Session - Amtrak provides what they identify as their comprehensive proposal, which includes several attachments, some we've seen before, others new in content. The general theme includes wage increases that fail to keep pace with inflation and changes to the healthcare plans that ultimately will force workers to pay a healthier share of co-pays and cost sharing.

April 4, 2022 - Bargaining Session -including Amtrak's "Ask", for something that Amtrak wants well outside any of out PRLBC work rules. That something is a requirement to receive and use an Amtrak email address for receiving company communications. Every BMWED member gets an < @amtrak.com > email address, and is expected to check their inbox regularly.

"Amtrak and its vendors will communicate with employees through an Amtrak email address furnished to each employee by Amtrak to provide various information and notices - both companywide and information specific to the individual - including but not limited to notices from Human Resources, Employee Benefits, and other departments."[sic]

We can only imagine what information or notices Amtrak would email to our members. Awards and advertisements? Shift changes? Discipline charges? Healthcare coverage information, your rail pass or direct deposit information? We sent you an email, didn't you receive it? Here's a copy of Amtrak's email proposal.

March 23, 2022 - Bargaining Session - including a discussion on Amtrak's proposed Paid Time Off, a plan to modify or change altogether our National Vacation Agreement and current Corridor and Off-Corridor vacation rules.

February 22, 2022 - Amtrak responds to our letter below, and generally quips how agreement covered employees should be happy with last July's 3.75% wage increase.  

February 2, 2022 -  The Passenger Rail Labor Bargaining Coalition (BMWED and BRS) issue Amtrak with a formal finger wagging, attempting to stimulate the railroad into earnest, good faith deliberations.

November 29, 2021 - Negotiations Meeting at the Teamster Headquarters in Washington, DC.

November 4, 2021 - Amtrak responds to the PRLBC with its counter proposal, which is included in Amtrak's Attachment "A".

October 26, 2021 - Our Section VI notice with our Attachment "A".


Page Last Updated: Nov 15, 2022 (11:48:17)
United Passenger Rail Federation BMWED-IBT
190 South Broad Street
Trenton, NJ 08608

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