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CDL Reimbursement
Oct 16, 2023

This page is to aid in the process of obtaining reimbursement for a Commercial Driver's License (CDL). This will provide step-by-step instructions and valuable resources to assist in navigating the reimbursement procedure efficiently. With this page and additional links, we hope to simplify the reimbursement process, ensuring that individuals receive the financial support they are entitled to. If additional info or help is required, please reach out to your Vice Chairperson. 

  • Step 1: Employee is awarded a position that requires a CDL (award pending CDL)

  • Step 3: Manager approves and returns to Employee if position requires CDL; otherwise informs Employee application is not approved

  • Step 4: Employee obtains CDL at accredited, certified, and/or licensed school

  • Step 5: Employee submits for reimbursement in Concur; includes copy of CDL Reimbursement Application Form, CDL, DOT medical card, and receipt from school clearly showing amount paid and school name. Concur Expense QuickStart Guide

  • Step 6: Manager confirms necessary documents provided and school is on approved list; if so, approves in Concur
    • Note: Manager must keep chain of command informed as approval in Concur starts at D1 and multiple Managers may need to approve
    • Note: If amount exceeds maximum annual amount allowed under the Education Assistance Program (guidance here), do not approve; send back to Employee to correct.  Employees will be warned about this on initial form.  The majority of schools should be under the maximum (currently $5,250).

  • Step 7: Manager downloads supporting documents from Concur and forwards to Automotive, Technical Training, Workforce Management, and Employee’s Supervisor for their information and records

  • Step 8: Employee informs Supervisor of dates/hours spent training

  • Step 9: Supervisor enters into Maximo paid training time for the applicable dates/hours

  • Step 10: Manager approves paid time for training.

CDL Reimbursement Interpretation from Labor Relations

CDL Reimbursement

Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Reimbursement Application Form

Concur Expense QuickStart Guide

United Passenger Rail Federation BMWED-IBT
190 South Broad Street
Trenton, NJ 08608

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